The NanoPi M1 Plus is designed and developed by FriendlyElec for professionals, enterprise users, makers and hobbyists. It is only two thirds the size of a Raspberry Pi. FriendlyElec has made a Debian, Ubuntu-MATE, Ubuntu-Core and Android images ready for it.
The NanoPi M1 Plus uses the Allwinner H3 Soc. It integrates Gbps Ethernet, IR receiver, video/audio output, WiFi & Bluetooth, onboard microphone and supports DVP/Camera/HDMI and CVBS. It has a serial debug port. Its GPIO pins are compatible with those of a Raspberry Pi.
Link to purchase:NanoPi M1 Plus
GPIO Pin Description
Pin# | Name | Linux gpio | Pin# | Name | Linux gpio |
1 | SYS_3.3V | 2 | VDD_5V | ||
3 | I2C0_SDA | 4 | VDD_5V | ||
5 | I2C0_SCL | 6 | GND | ||
7 | GPIOG11 | 203 | 8 | UART1_TX/GPIOG6 | 198 |
9 | GND | 10 | UART1_RX/GPIOG7 | 199 | |
11 | UART2_TX/GPIOA0 | 0 | 12 | PWM1/GPIOA6 | 6 |
13 | UART2_RTS/GPIOA2 | 2 | 14 | GND | |
15 | UART2_CTS/GPIOA3 | 3 | 16 | UART1_RTS/GPIOG8 | 200 |
17 | SYS_3.3V | 18 | UART1_CTS/GPIOG9 | 201 | |
19 | SPI0_MOSI/GPIOC0 | 64 | 20 | GND | |
21 | SPI0_MISO/GPIOC1 | 65 | 22 | UART2_RX/GPIOA1 | 1 |
23 | SPI0_CLK/GPIOC2 | 66 | 24 | SPI0_CS/GPIOC3 | 67 |
25 | GND | 26 | SPDIF-OUT/GPIOA17 | 17 | |
27 | I2C1_SDA/GPIOA19/PCM0_CLK/I2S0_BCK | 19 | 28 | I2C1_SCL/GPIOA18/PCM0_SYNC/I2S0_LRCK | 18 |
29 | GPIOA20/PCM0_DOUT/I2S0_SDOUT | 20 | 30 | GND | |
31 | GPIOA21/PCM0_DIN/I2S0_SDIN | 21 | 32 | NC | |
33 | NC | 34 | GND | ||
35 | NC | 36 | NC | ||
37 | GPIOA9 | 9 | 38 | NC | |
39 | GND | 40 | NC |
Debug Port(UART0)
Pin# | Name |
1 | GND |
2 | VDD_5V |
3 | UART0-TX |
4 | UART0-RX |
USB Pin Header
Pin# | Name |
1 | 5V |
2 | DM |
3 | DP |
4 | GND |
DVP Camera Interface Pin Description
Pin# | Name | Description |
1, 2 | SYS_3.3V | 3.3V Output, it can be used to power camera modules |
7,9,13,15,24 | GND | Ground, 0V |
3 | I2C2_SCL | I2C clock signal |
4 | I2C2_SDA | I2C data signal |
5 | GPIOE15 | regular GPIO, used to control connected camera modules |
6 | GPIOE14 | regular GPIO, used to control connected camera modules |
8 | MCLK | Clock signals output to camera modules |
10 | NC | Not connected |
11 | VSYNC | vertical synchronization |
12 | HREF/HSYNC | horizontal synchronization |
14 | PCLK | peripheral clock |
16-23 | Data bit7-0 | data bits |
Please visit our official site: to place orders .By default we ship via CHINA POST. It takes up to one month for CHINA POST to ship. If you want us to ship via DHL/Fedex/TNT/UPS please email us at